Thursday, October 18, 2018

Server Side Deployment on the JVM

JVM deployments with the server outside, inside, and alongside a web app

Over time, the success of a web application can influence technology options for continuous support and personalization. For example, Twitter was initially a Ruby on Rails application, but the Ruby back-end services were replaced by applications running on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and recorded in Scala. With this in mind, it is important to recognize that Java development practices and the use of the JVM have greatly expanded in recent years. These changes can facilitate the transition from initial projects to mature and large-scale applications.

This article will demonstrate how a project can be developed initially very quickly, with a view to a variety of implementation options. More specifically, a small web application will be recorded in Ruby, but packaged in a WAR (Web Application Archive) file. The options to implement the WAR file with the external, internal or parallel server allow this type of scalability and availability to be required in modern implementations based on cloud and intense traffic. Using a standard WAR file for implementation, the application is packaged in a format that can be easily replaced by a similar package written in Java or another JVM language.

Java and alternative JVM languages

The JVM emerged as the most prominent language-independent virtual machine destination and is optimized to be executed on a wide variety of platforms. He has matured over the years and now supports an increasing number of alternative languages compiled by the JVM bytecode. Each version of JVM includes new features that enhance the JVM's ability to support and optimize the performance of additional languages. These qualities resulted in the popularity of JVM and are considered seriously for many types of software projects.

Java is an excellent software development language for general purposes, but it is not necessarily the best option for each project. The JVM languages include JRuby, Jython, Groovy, JavaScript, Scala and Clojure. These languages are impressive implementations by themselves, and all share the desirable quality of execution in the JVM. During the initial phases of a project, it may be preferable to use scripting languages specifically oriented to the productivity of the programmer. Using JVM implementations, a project written in one language can be ported more easily to another, if necessary at a later point.

JRuby is one of several popular JVM languages in use. It is less "strict" than Java in several ways, which promotes rapid initial development. But some of the resources that make Ruby a popular choice for programmer productivity can be the source of problems as the project grows. Java provides type security and high performance required by more mature projects. One way to simplify the process of transitioning from a Ruby project to Java is by packaging the Ruby code into a Java WAR file. This allows the target deployment hardware and the installed base software to remain constant when the project moves from JRuby to Java.

Deployment options

Although much time and attention are spent during the software development process, the ultimate goal is the implementation in a production environment for end users. This goal is best achieved by initial planning that, at a minimum, does not result in an election that is unsustainable for the use of production. Implementation practices are governed by the unique functional and technical requirements of each application. The characteristics of the destination server, the expected web traffic patterns and the available hardware also contribute to deciding where an application will be implemented. After selecting one or more deployment destinations, the form of implementation should be considered.

Programmers are creative people and usually take delight in creating smart ways to solve problems. This quality is laudable when addressing the requirements of end users, as long as standards and conventions provide the structure of the work. Creation and implementation tasks are not the places for creativity. These tasks do not respond directly to the needs of the end user and must be completed in the most efficient and consistent manner possible. The creativity in the creation and implementation practices results in highly personalized exclusive projects, difficult to support and modify. In the end, this type of automation of the "snowflake" project hinders the development efforts it intends to promote.

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Server outside

Traditionally, web application servers were installed independently and configured by system administrators. The WAR or EAR (Archived Enterprise) files were deployed to those servers after the entire installation and configuration were completed. The server was outside the web application. This method is still a great way to implement applications and complies with Java EE standards that are well established and understood among Java developers.

However, a challenge with this method is that each developer needs an application server for local testing. Unless an application server is easily available in a preconfigured virtual machine, individual developers must set up their own workstations. This process can be guided and simple, but in some cases, developers are forced to mount a configuration whose description is hidden in email messages, and then debug error log messages to fix configuration problems.

Another challenge is that developers can use different processes to implement an application. One developer can use a Web interface, another can copy the file to a directory that is "observed" by the application server and another can run an internal utility or script to deploy the application. These inconsistencies in the implementation process can frustrate attempts to have clear communication among developers.

These problems can be overcome by incorporating the implementation functionality in the project. For example, Maven-based projects can use standard add-ons (for example, for Oracle WebLogic Server) that reduce the implementation process to a single command. This is an improvement that provides coherence and control among developers.

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Server within a development project

There are also build plug-ins that incorporate a server, such as Jetty or Apache Tomcat, into a plug-in used by the project. This approach eliminates the need to install a separate web application server. The server (and any associated configuration) can be maintained within version control. If the server is updated, all developers will have the updated version next time they retrieve the most recent code.

This solution is specifically aimed at developers, however, not the actual implementation. It is unusual to implement an application running on a server provided through a Maven add-on. In general, the computers that use these add-ons are still implemented on an external server for centralized testing efforts and final production. A server should not be attached to a project creation tool when it is deployed in a production environment.

Server inside and Alongside

 This leads to two more recent solutions: integrate the server to the application file itself or implement the server next to the application. A server can be included within the application code and controlled within this context. This method reduces the implementation requirements for a single standalone file that can be called by the java -jar command. An alternative is to keep the application server code independent and include it next to the actual web application. This method is usually executed by passing the application server as the first argument to the java -jar command and passing the web application as the second argument.

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