Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Use of Threads in Java

Use of Threads in Java

In short, we use threads to make the Java application faster by doing several things at the same time. Technically, Thread helps to achieve concurrency in the Java program. Because the processor is very fast and now contains multiple cores, a single thread cannot exploit all cores, which means that your expensive hardware will remain inactive most of the time. By using multiple segments, you can get the most out of multiple cores by serving more customers and serving them faster. Given that in the fast paced world the response time is very important, you have a multi-core processor, but if your application does not use all the resources, it makes no sense to add them. Explore the tremendous processing power of the processor in the Java application.

There is another purpose to use thread in Java for multitasking. For example, in the graphics application, you want to draw screens simultaneously if you want to capture the user's action. By pressing the keys and the command, you can download or download something from the network.

If you perform all these tasks in a sub-process, it will be executed sequentially, ie first the screen will be drawn, then the command will be captured and finally the highest score will be downloaded to the network. This can cause a problem for your game or application because the GUI seems frozen during the execution of another task. With multiple threads in Java, you can do each of these tasks independently.

Reasons to use multithreading in Java

Even the Java application contains at least one segment called main thread, which executes its main method. For example, there are more links used by the JVM. Demon chains collecting garbage and other cleaning work. As an application developer, you can also add new user threads to make your application faster and more efficient. Here are some common reasons and scenarios for using multiple threads in Java:

1) To make a task run parallel to another task e.g. drawing and event handling.

GUI applications, such as Swing and Java FX, are the best examples of multi-threaded Java. In a typical graphical application, the user initiates an action and. Download a file from the network or download the game modules from the hard disk. These actions take some time, but you can not freeze the GUI because the user thinks your application is locked. Instead, you'll need a separate thread to complete the long task and continue to display the relevant messages to the user or allow you to simultaneously perform other tasks to keep your GUI active. This is achieved by using multiple subprocesses in Java.

2) To take full advantage of CPU power.

Another common reason for using multiple threads in Java is to improve the performance of the application using the total capacity of the processor. For example, if you have 32 main processors and only use one to serve 1,000 clients and your application is limited to the processor, you can improve performance by chaining 32 times. Your CPU.

3) For reducing response time

You can also use multi-chaining to reduce response time, perform fast calculations by splitting a large problem down into smaller pieces and processing them with multiple concatenations. For example, the card reduction model is based on the division of an important problem into a side problem and its individual treatment.

4) To sever multiple clients at the same time.

One of the most common scenarios where using multiple threads significantly improve an application's performance is a client-server application. A single threaded application means only one client can connect to the server at a time, but a multi-threaded server means multiple clients can connect to the server at same time.This means next client don't have to wait until your application finish processing request of the previous client.Like in the following example, you can see that multiple requests are processing by our multi-threaded server at same time.

By the way, threading is not free, it has its own challenges. You can only maximize the speed of your application to some extent because the numbering of the string increases to a certain limit, the processor competes, and the alternate context occurs. Context change means that a subprocess that uses the processor is suspended and the processor is assigned to another running thread. When this happens, the thread typically loses all cached data. If this chaining continues in another kernel, you'll need to build your cache from the beginning.

The segmentation also introduces a special set of a problem, for example, called a multi-link problem. Stalemate  , livelock, memory inconsistency, racial conditions and famine. It is also very difficult to test a Java program with multiple links. You cannot predict the execution order for multi-threading and non-synchronization.

In addition, parallelism is limited to the size of the critical section, that is, the portion of the code that must be executed by the single thread simultaneously. If you have a long critical section, the entire segment may be waiting for your program to behave like a single-chain program.

That's why they use threads in Java. The bulk of using a chain is equivalent to using multiple employees to perform a task. However, you must be aware that all tasks can only be performed in advance by implementing multiple tasks. Workers. in a month. Create multiple threads in the same way so that the fastest program does not work. You can only improve performance by, for example, splitting the linked CPU task into multiple threads. Big calculations If your application is connected to I / O, you may need to consider other techniques. faster hard drive to improve performance.

You should also consider the issues of multicasting because it is not easy to change the synchronization between multiple strings and avoid problems such as conflicts, availability issues, shortage, and memory inconsistencies. In general, only concatenation is required because coding is simplified. You do not have to sync anything if your application has only one concatenation.

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