Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Latest trends in Java technology for 2018

Each year, Java continues to grow and evolve, maintaining a prominent place among the most used and popular programming languages. Its versatility, changes and improvements already known make Java easier to use, climb better and work more smoothly than before.

Among the most interesting developments for Java professionals are: Java EE is now an Eclipse project; Oracle accelerated the launch rate of Java SE and the expected modularization through the Java Platform Module System, better known as Jigsaw, finally arrived.

Brief Retrospective: Java in 2017

Due to the many updates and advances, 2017 was very turbulent for the development of Java. These are some of the most significant Java transformations that occurred last year:

• Java continued to maintain its position with legacy applications and its enormous popularity among Android applications;

• Java EE has moved to an open source database with a new host for Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J);

• Java EE 8 was released in September 2017;

• MicroProfile also experienced some progress;

• The Android community has accepted the Kotlin and we will see even greater changes in the future.

Java in 2018

The tremendous transformation and major updates that took place in 2017 took Java very far, bringing countless benefits to the IT sector, which also contribute to the advancement of other fields. Some of the predictions that the experts made are:

• huge changes in the EE4J;

• Strengthening the impact that Java J2EE has as a result of the increased popularity of the US community.

The wide selection of various tools available in the market makes it difficult for developers to choose just one. Java tools are not an exception. But it seems that 2018 will give a boost to many of the lightweight tools, including Eclipse, Java Development Kit (JDK) and Oracle JDeveloper.

Let's look at the most significant trends, the most interesting tools and the changes in the Java environment for 2018.

The year of the eclipse

The Eclipse Foundation is becoming more important as projects like EE4J and MicroProfile begin to be supported by the platform. This is expected to bring accelerated innovation, since the open community can now be more involved in them and in other projects related to Java.

Accelerated Convergence

The broader efforts to simplify the development and administration of software bring containers and runtimes like Java more closely related. They are optimized together to allow continuous administration and configuration of Java applications. The goal is to provide consistent memory management and an easier connection between Java constructions and containers so that developers can take full advantage of the use of containers and Java runtimes.

Faster release model

Another great development is the new six-month launch interval, which means more frequent changes and the faster introduction of resources for Java applications. These resources are available in business stores and allow the use of Java to solve new problems and enter new areas. Although large organizations need to wait a little longer for long-term launch support, they will have a clearer script, and it will be easier to plan for future development.

Rise of Kotlin

Kotlin seems to be increasingly popular in the world of programming. Its concise coding syntax and interoperability with Java have already made it a success among developers. It is expected that additional first class support for Android will further improve its use for mobile development.

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Platforms without a server

The demand for serverless platforms is growing. It started as a consumption model and expanded from simple event programming models to composite flow-based systems. This innovation continues to evolve as developers prefer to keep the focus on working on their applications without having to worry about servers. This change means that Java servers will need to be optimized and reproduced to work in a serverless environment

The Java ecosystem is huge and has been changing and evolving to meet the needs of industry and developers. Consequently, it provides the necessary tools and technologies to support all diversified users and their demands. The new and updated tools, platforms and old structures will add a new dynamic to the Java world, including faster updates of existing applications and the introduction of new resources on a regular basis. 2018 brings many changes and requires a change of mentality in all companies that are working at a slower pace and using older tools and frameworks.

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There are countless conferences that discuss these changes and news, allowing the IT community to keep up to date with the latest and most important trends, technologies and developments. And two of the largest IT conferences in Poland are held next week in Krakow.

The first of these, held on Tuesday, May 8, is the Code Europe, which is a more general IT conference that addresses topics such as Cloud Computing, IoT, Data Science, DevOps, Mobile, Programming Languages and much more. . . The next day, on Wednesday, May 9, GeeCon begins, a conference focused on Java-based technologies and Java Virtual Machine, with a duration of 3 days.

If you want to know more about the latest Java trends discussed in this article, listen to the most important IT and technology news, have the opportunity to listen to lectures by world leading IT experts, connect to companies and find your next opportunity job.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Java and the Internet of Things

Examples of how Java is shaping the Creator Movement and the Internet of thing

The recent MakerCon Conference, organized by Oracle, along with Maker Faire 2014, has made it clear that the Maker Movement, a vital source of hardware innovation, is igniting and opening rich possibilities for Java developers. The combination of Maker Maker's ingenious smart devices and embedded software technology is fundamental to the development of the connected world, the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) technology. As embedded devices become cheaper, more powerful and more connected, and as the Internet of things grows, Java developers are receiving strong support from Oracle as they face new challenges and radical opportunities. Java is better equipped to serve as a unified standardized platform for the Internet of things. For this purpose, a great effort to unify the Java platform is underway - specifically, Java ME with Java SE - to reduce the Java SE for the integrated space and smaller devices.

The Internet of Things and the rise of an M2M ecosystem are in the process of convergence with cloud computing and big data, demanding an integrated platform that runs from the device to the data center with Java. Oracle offers an integrated, secure and complete platform for the entire Internet architecture of Things in all vertical markets, with these main resources:

• Real-time response capabilities for millions of device endpoints

• Fastest time to market

• End-to-end security

• Integration with IT systems

• A coordinated global ecosystem of partners

• Lifecycle solution management and end-to-end compatibility

Java remains the number one choice among developers and the world's leading development platform, with nearly 9 million Java developers worldwide.

What is the Maker movement?

The Maker Movement, with its focus on hardware innovation, has strong precedents in the history of the United States, perhaps more recently in the arts and crafts movement, the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) movement associated with Stewart Brand and the Whole Earth Catalog, originated in the world 1960s, and stereotyped garage creators with big dreams - best exemplified by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, of Apple's fame.

Wikipedia summarizes the manufacturer culture as "a technological extension of the DIY culture", with typical interests, including "engineering-oriented activities, such as electronics, robotics, 3-D printing and the use of CNC tools (computer numerical control). "As the most traditional activities, such as metallurgy, carpentry and traditional arts and crafts, with emphasis on new and exclusive applications of technologies. The convergence of several historical forces - for example, the availability of tools and the Internet, including virtual communities, improved visualization and new software applications - is fueling the Maker Movement, which branches from northern California throughout the United States and Europe and East Asia.

The Maker movement now has magazines, blog sites, substantial literature, annual events and several hundred thousand people around the world participating in manufacturer activities each year. It has all the characteristics of a genuine movement, including a manifesto written by Mark Hatch of TechShop, which emphasizes nine key concepts: doing; the fee; give to; to learn; tool up; touch; take part; Support, support; and change.

In summary, the manifesto states that "doing" is fundamental to human expression and feeling, and sharing what you do is necessary to complete that totality. Giving what you did, or at least giving knowledge about how it was done, is a way of giving a part of yourself to the world. Establishing a path of learning throughout life is a key to human happiness. "Getting ready" is essential to being a successful creator - manufacturers are lucky because the tools have never been cheaper or more powerful. A spirit of play is fundamental to creative creation. In addition, the manifesto states that participation in the producer community will facilitate growth and, finally, that manufacturers must be ready, willing and prepared to change as technology accelerates.


Java finds the Maker movement

For many Java developers, the rise of the Maker movement presents an opportunity to renew their creative passions and explore new ways to apply their skills. The Java champion Vinicius Senger of Brazil is an example of this. Software developer for more than 20 years, Senger is the founder of Globalcode (his Portuguese homepage, which can be autotranslated by Google), the largest educational center in Brazil specializing in software development. He also started a company dedicated to residential automation and open source educational robotics and was the winner of the 2011 Duke's Choice Award for his jHome project, which offers a residential automation API based on Java EE.

Senger is confident that the application of Java to M2M and IoT technology will have a great impact. "Bringing M2M and IoT for the Internet is going to change our lives, for example, in the health area, we now have clothes that monitor people when they sleep in. E-cigarettes can one day be connected to social networks on the Internet to help people to stop smoking, something we could not have imagined ten years ago The constant monitoring of the heart on the Internet is now a reality.

For Senger, the Internet of things reaches his personal life. "I have a sailing boat, and now my boat is part of the Internet so I can control it and know if someone is tying the engine, I have friends who like wine and now they monitor the wine and accompany the humidity, something goes wrong with refrigeration "

The sky is the limit for Senger. "Every market has opportunities with M2M and IoT," he observes. "It's a very exciting time in the industry because we have many new devices, new computers and new boards, the market is growing so fast and there are so many opportunities and technologies to play.

So, what is the role of Java in all this? "Java was born to do that kind of thing," says Senger. "In the last ten years, Java has been all about providing corporate solutions, selling items on the Internet and banks, but Java was initially designed as a programming language to connect things like appliances, we're going back to Java for fifteen years., And Java creators are very happy with this development, Java is the best platform for the Internet of things because it is flexible for computers of different sizes.This is a good time for Java developers, according to Senger. to work with the embed is that there are so many possibilities. I like horses and I like wine - there are opportunities to find horses and wine. I like information about home and robotics, so I found an opportunity there, because the Internet of things, Java developers can put their passion into their work. "

Senger strongly supports Oracle's attempts to get involved with the Java community. "Oracle is making VM work very well on different types of computers and cards, like the Raspberry Pi," observes Senger. "He's doing a great job with tools like NetBeans, his work with the integrated space and the IoT community has been excellent, Oracle is serving the Java and Maker communities well.

User experience and the Internet of things

Noel Portugal, the main developer of the Oracle user experience, is confident that the Internet of Things will have a strong impact on the way we live, with sensors and devices connected in our homes and workplaces, which allows us to take more and more accessible data. advantage. According to Portugal, the status quo of the user experience (UX) is changing.

For Portugal, being a designer means having the ability to create something that did not exist before or replicate something, but in a new way. "I've always been very curious and obsessed with action and reaction," says Portugal. "You do one thing, and another happens, I was excited to know that I could shoot something with a computer, so learning about microcontrollers and onboard devices has been very inspiring for me. Many manufacturers come from the software community. of software and not an electronic engineer - much of what manufacturers are learning now is already known by electronic engineers.New tools are available that allow software developers to design devices and make them work.

That's where embedded Java enters history. "The Java team has worked with the built-in community to ensure that the software works well with Raspberry Pi," says Portugal. "Therefore, we created Oracle Java SE Embedded in Raspberry Pi."

What is it that Java developers who want to write on the Internet about what Oracle is doing to facilitate?

"Java Internet Powers, our banks and retail companies - is behind the scenes everywhere," says Portugal. "So, we can apply the same architectures, security and communication protocols that we use in the company to a built-in device, I used Arduino, but it would be difficult to start a Web server with it, but with the Raspberry Pi, I can run a server or, for example, using general-purpose I / O, where I can connect sensors, the point is that developers can translate their Java development knowledge into the enterprise for integrated things. "

Make Robots with Java

Dan Royer, from Marginally Clever, exemplifies the game between the maker spirit and Java. "I love making robots," exclaims Royer, "and create different types, I use Java in practically everything I do, because he takes care of many things for me, I do not have to do any memory management and the documentation is really complete. Joy to work with Java. "

Royer's most popular product, Makelangelo, is an art creation robot that allows users to take a picture of the Internet or a phone and convert it in two seconds with Java software that communicates the GCode (the language of 3D printers to send a message to the Arduino platform, which then moves the motors that circulate around a board.All styles of image conversion and 3D management, together with other programs, use Java.

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Creating prosthetic hands

Ali Lemus, a Java developer in Guatemala, is working on a low cost prosthetic hand. The simple mechanical version costs less than $ 50, while a more sophisticated bionic version, based on Java, which is based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, sells for less than US $ 150.

By exerting tension with a shoulder, it is possible to move a prosthetic hand to grasp objects. "For more complex actions, we incorporate a Raspberry Pi that comes preloaded with embedded Java," explains Lemus. "It uses artificial neural network sensors to read muscle data and then analyze the data, we have other microcontrollers that Java also works with, the flexibility of Java and its libraries make it an excellent combination."

Lemus is creating a switch that will allow users to move between the mechanical and bionic versions of the hand. "It's great to be able to grab and open things," says Lemus. "But, if you want to paint, then you need the bionic version." After two or three months of using the mechanical version, the person will be able to move back and forth with flexible sensors.The more the person to use, the better the AI machine will work. "
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A GUI driver based on JavaFX 2

Riley Porter, founder of Synthetos, uses JavaFX 2 to make CNC GUI (Computer Numeric Control) controllers for the TinyG motion controller for robots that make 3-D printers, among other things. A Python developer and trade malware expert, Porter learned JavaFX to the GUI. "It's very difficult to create distributed binaries that work on all platforms," explains Porter. "I use Java SE 7 and JavaFX because I like its ability to do FXML design with weakly coupled UIs, my partner changes a lot on the backend, so I need to be able to check the card and figure things out. Data connection - I like being able to dynamically update things with connections so you do not have to worry about updates or observables. "


With so much innovation happening so quickly, we can expect important changes in our daily lives in the coming years, if not months, as Java and the Creator Movement become better acquainted.

Monday, October 29, 2018

10 amazing ways you can use Java

According to most calculations, Java is currently the most popular programming language for all types of purposes, which means that there is a huge variety of work options and interesting opportunities to earn money for engineers who specialize in it.

When considering what you can do with Java, many developers think about building:

• Application servers

• Web applications

• Unit tests

• Mobile apps

• desktop applications

• Business applications

This is a good list, but it does not cover the incredible variety of things you can do with Java. For example, many developers use Java to create games and tutorials. And Java often appears in the development of several languages with products like JNBridge, which means that your Java experience can be useful, even if you are not writing pure Java applications.

Just look a bit - there is a good chance that Java developers will find a job that really makes work fun in the morning. If you need inspiration, take a look at the 10 surprisingly legal ways to make a living with Java:

1. Working in the cloud

As they do with many languages, software developers use Java to create cloud-based application services, Web APIs, client applications and so on. It's not just that Java is useful for creating new applications in the cloud or moving existing applications to the cloud. But Java's proven ability to work anywhere fits perfectly into the modern mix of cloud, mobile and desktop applications designed to work in the same way, regardless of where they are running. There is also no lack of AV / VR applications (many of which are mobile applications) that depend on cloud-based resources.

Companies like Belatrix specialize in outsourcing cloud development and Heroku provides cloud-specific services for Java. Or imagine creating an application that helps users see on their phones, tablets or other devices how hair will be when they are reused. According to ITFirms, many of the leading Java development companies are involved in cloud-based work with a wide range of high profile clients (think of organizations like Nestle, United Nations, Universal Studios, Jaguar and others).

Especially important for the development of the cloud is the unit test using simulations in a process called "teasing", in which software objects are used to simulate real-world objects and determine whether unit tests pass or not. One of the most useful and most used to mock packages is the Mokito, which is based on Java. You can take advantage of the combined abilities of Mokito and Java to perform unit tests of all kinds of applications and devices, imagine unit test robots, satellites or IoT devices that depend on cloud resources to function.

2. Exploring space at NASA

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) uses Java for several interesting applications. A personal favorite is the World Wind, a software development kit (SDK) that allows you to expand the space and examine any place on Earth. The data source is a combination of Landsat satellite images and data from the shuttle radar topography mission. Unknowable 90 application examples show how to use this SDK. Would not it be amazing to work on the code that makes all this possible? And in a blog post about the development of NASA's mission software with Java, four NASA engineers detail the role that Java played in various space missions.

NASA is always creating interesting new products, so keep in mind the news from Ames Research Center. You can find a list of jobs for NASA at several sites, such as Indeed.

3. Working with Internet of Things

You have probably heard a lot about the Internet of Things (IoT) currently. The IoT is everywhere, from sensors on giant industrial machines to smart devices like security cameras. In fact, you knew that the popular Nest Thermostat has an interesting mix of Java and AI? Some smart sales machines are based on Java, using software to track stocks, temperature, humidity and location. In addition, many visible technology applications are built in Java.

Want to know more about using Java to create the IoT functionality? Consult Jaxenter for information on why Java is the best language to be used for IoT and Customer Think for more information on all the skills and resources needed to make IoT happen.

4. Developing autonomous cars
One of the most interesting and demanding applications of technology today is the autonomous car. Of course, you have to create robotics that can guide the vehicle and place the safe assortment of sensors to help the car avoid collisions, but some of the more interesting jobs use technology to perform tasks that humans consider more or less mundane . However, to place autonomous cars on public roads, developers must combine all these elements in a package that guarantees extreme reliability or faces public protests.
These tutorials and online simulations can help you understand how Java plays an important role in high-performance applications, such as stand-alone cars.

5. Help doctors make virtual domestic calls with chatbots

It was once, doctors made calls from home, visiting patients in their homes. This has not always been effective for doctors, but it was certainly convenient for patients. Now, there is an expanding medical approach designed to allow the doctor to stay in the office, but still visit patients at home. One of these projects is Doctor Online, which has Java in its application modules. Although not new, the system includes a complete set of modules designed to make the doctor-patient interactions convenient and fast.

In addition to telemedicine, more and more sites, including e-commerce sites, have chatbots to provide a personalized touch for everything from choosing the right clothes to tracking lost packages.

Eventually, we could see robotic medical devices that reside in the homes of those who need them. Remote doctors, through the robot, could perform simple tasks, such as checking a patient's temperature, hearing heartbeats or checking blood pressure - all without leaving the office. In fact, one day the doctor may even be able to perform more advanced tasks, such as administer basic care or perform an electrocardiogram.
Java developers will be on the front line in the creation of this technology. As the medical profession looks for less expensive ways to meet the needs of patients, look for an increasing role for software engineers in creating the necessary software.

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6. Realization of big data analysis

Today, big data analysis is at the center of some of the most interesting uses of technology. Scientists from several key industries are using advanced data analysis techniques to discover new patterns in large amounts of data and better understand complex processes.

Although many engineers believe that Python or R are more suitable for these types of applications, Java is also used for many data analysis tasks, especially in extraction / transformation (ETL) processes. Java is often used to work with Hadoop implementations. Fortunately, a variety of tools are available to perform data analysis using Java, including libraries and frameworks such as Weka, Rapid Miner, MOA (Massive Online Analysis), SAMOA Apache, JSAT, Java Machine Learning Library - Java-ML, Retina Library , Java Data Mining Package - JDMP and many others.
It does not hurt that highly compensated big data jobs are emerging in a wide variety of data analysis applications and businesses. For example, these skills can be invaluable in helping social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn deal with their management problems from everything from hate speech to terrorist recruitment. Java-based data analysis can, one day, help prevent a terrorist attack or discover large-scale voter manipulation.

7. Get your name on the big screen

Special effects companies like Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) have Java for all kinds of software-based wonders. Actually, you can often find jobs in ILM for almost any development skill. Currently, ILM uses a combination of Java and Python to handle tasks such as sequencing animation scenes.

8. Make games

Many popular video games today - like RuneScape, for example - run in Java. Basically, Java games are everywhere because Java works almost anywhere.
The Open JavaFX (OpenJFX) graphic package makes it easy to work with the types of images that make players go crazy. Actually, there are game development sites, such as, that are totally dedicated to the needs and interests of Java game developers. You can also find specialized libraries for the development of games, such as the LWJGL (lightweight Java Game Library), designed to make the creation of Java games much easier.

Android makes extensive use of Java for applications of all kinds, including games. Check Mybridge's list of 38 main applications written in Java - you may be surprised by the richness and variety of applications that depend on Java development skills.

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9. Become a mad scientist

There was always an association in popular culture between number processing and mad scientists. (In the end, how many people know that they label numbers as malignant?) Many modern developers do not consider Java to be the best language for numerical processing and scientific needs, and reviewers tend to cite their lack of mathematical libraries as a serious problem. problem. That may be why Python is more widely associated with these types of programming tasks.

However, Java may be a better solution for mathematics-oriented applications when you need to combine heavy numerical or scientific processing with smooth 2D or 3D graphics output. If you are a mad scientist in training and want to use Java, you need a library like JScience or JSci. Sites like Glassdoor provide lists of interesting works working with science and Java.

10. Going back to school

A large number of schools and educational institutions (from primary to medium and higher) depend on custom Java applications. Until recently, Java was the preferred language for learning programming skills in schools (it was recently obfuscated by Python) and is still widely used in educational settings.

The creation of educational applications and other applications for schools tends to involve the recording of a wide variety of smaller applications, compared to smaller, but larger, projects in corporate environments. In the educational world, you could code an application to accompany the statistics of the students one day and work in a modeling process for a laboratory another day. Freelancer offers job advertisements in this category.

Java is everywhere

These 10 lesser known things that you can do with Java only scratch the surface of how to transform Java skills into a rewarding career, a lucrative sideline or even a way to unlock the hidden potential in your current position. Java is so popular and widespread that there is no shortage of ways to find a fun and fascinating job with the language. With a little creativity and creativity, the Java experience can be your step into a fascinating career in almost every field.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

IoT is emerging as a disruptive trend for the development of mobile applications

Mobile applications, undoubtedly, have become indispensable for a business, but investing in a mediocre business will not do you good. When you really want to get into the mobility train, look for an application that goes beyond the ordinary. After all, the options for users out there are endless and you have to give them a good reason to pick it up from others. The answer lies in training your business application with the latest technologies that make it capable of providing superlative user experiences. The Internet of Things is one of those technologies that is being highlighted in the mobility scenario and there are many statistics that support this claim.
• By 2020, more than 34,000 million smart devices connect to the Internet.
• Industries worldwide will invest US $ 6 billion in the IoT over a five-year period.
• Big brands such as Amazon and Apple are at the forefront of adopting this technique in the development of applications. Amazon's Lab126 is planning a $ 55 million investment in IoT development in the coming years.
Now that enough has been said about this futuristic trend, there is a need to understand the reason behind its growing popularity. We will clarify the role that IoT will play in the evolution of mobile application development in the near future.
Diversity in connectivity
Mobile technology drives connectivity between mobile devices, depending on the platform for which applications are created. But, once these applications are integrated in IoT, your company can generate extensive diversity in connectivity. In simpler words, mobile applications aimed at IoT are able to work with different devices, operating systems and platforms. With that, they can open greater opportunities for companies to expand their reach, connecting with users in different sets of things in an integrated manner. These "things" include smartphones, tablets, wearables, sensors and smart consumer electronics.
Improved user experiences
When it comes to user experiences, IoT applications have opened unparalleled opportunities to improve them. There is practically nothing that can not be done with these applications; from operating automated devices at home to industrial automation, powering smart vehicles, operating remote sensors and much more, everything becomes as easy as sliding or touching the smartphone. The retail sector can take advantage of Beacon-based IoT applications to create seamless collaboration across multiple sales channels.
Big Data Integration
Another big impact that IoT technology is causing in mobility is the integration of Big Data for the collection of massive data volumes for commercial use. Application developers for mobile devices use IoT in applications to collect data from disparate connected devices and combine them with analytics to gather useful information for the company. For example, information collected from connected devices can provide information related to user behavior, which the company can use to frame its customer segmentation strategies.
Improvements in the configuration of the organization
The growing adoption of business mobility has transformed organizations significantly, strengthening their architecture and central systems. Taking things one step further, they are investing in mobility solutions based on IoT to use the innovative automation technology to their advantage. These applications enable employees with remote connectivity and allow them to operate machines even when they are not in manufacturing facilities. In the same way, they can be used to monitor stocks and labor, in addition to simplifying other important business operations.

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Better security in application development processes
As a typical IoT environment comprises a large number of devices, the security of these devices, as well as the data they store, is always a concern for companies. Consequently, developers must adopt all essential security measures to ensure that neither devices nor critical data are committed at any cost. Here, the same technology that represents the threat comes to its rescue, because the IoT has the ability to protect the application code and data storage. You can scan different applications on a network at one time with IoT protection.

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Looking from another perspective: The role of mobile applications in the IoT

The role of IoT for the growth of mobile applications has been well explained. But we must perceive that the relationship between the two is symbiotic; While the adoption of the IoT contributes to the value of applications, the latter are also essential for the expansion of the IoT. An IoT-based system will not be complete unless there is a smartapp to operate the connected devices. "Physical things, such as devices, vehicles, workplaces, residences and even cities, must be synchronized with mobile applications to provide exclusive virtual experiences and provide everything that is expected from a connected and IoT-based environment. impossible to imagine the creation of such an environment, despite having access to the most advanced technologies.


Seeing the intrinsic connection between IOT and mobile applications, it is clear that you need both to create a successful IoT-based environment for your company. In this scenario, there is a need to associate with an application development partner that is able to combine both to provide a results-oriented business application, either for its consumers or for the organization itself.

OrangeMantra, with its experience in business mobility solutions and consumer applications, acts as the secure mobile application development company for diverse business needs. Our team of developers is on the side of the latest technological trends. Connect with us if you are looking for an application with IoT technology for your company and we will definitely create the right application solution for you.

From Java 8 to Java 11

Switching from Java 8 to Java 11 is more complicated than most updates. Here are some of my notes on the process. Modules Java 9 i...